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Preparations of the Family
Escape in 10 Seconds 
Key Points For Escape
Escape in the School
Escape in Public Places
Escape Outdoors
Escape in Open Fields
When Special Dangers Encountered
When Pressed Down 
Mutual Rescues
Live on after Earthquakes



All Kinds of Earth Light

Records on the Bamboo

20 Examples of Rescue

Seismic Belts in China

Ground Deformation

Calling of Apes

Key Points for Escape

When Pressed Down


Escape in 10 Seconds

  Because the existences of some pre-earthquake phenomena, limited warning time and possible spaces for hiding, people could make use of them to survive the earthquakes. So long as people have some knowledge on earthquakes and make preparatory works for the earthquake, they could survive the earthquakes if they select the correct way and the right place to keep away with earthquakes. According to our investigation on 874 survivors of the Tangshan Earthquake, more than 258 of them adopted measures to protect the earthquake. 188 of them survived the earthquake successfully, and those who successfully kept away with the earthquake took up 72% of all those who took protective measures. 

  The experts believe: most earthquakes are light earthquakes. Be sure to be sober-minded and find a hiding place in nearby places.




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