The Five Seismic Belts in China
The seismic activities of China mainly take place in the 23 seismic
belts in five areas.

The seismic activities of China mainly take place in
the 23 seismic belts in the five following areas:
1) Taiwan province and nearby sea areas
2) SouthWest areas including Tibet, West part of Sichuan province and the mid-West of
Yunnan province.
3) NorthWestern area, mainly referring to Gansu province, Hexi Corridor, Qinghai, Ningxia
and Tian Mountain areas.
4) Northern part, including two sides of Taihang Mountain, river beds of Fen river and Wei
river. Yin Mountain -Yan Mountain area, mid in Shandong and Bohai Bay.
5) SouthEastern coastal areas, such as Guangdong, Fujian etc.
Taiwan province is located on Pacific earthquake belt; Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Qinghai and
Xinjiang are located on the Himalayas-Mediterranean belt; Other provinces on the relevant
The earthquake belt distribution are the base for dividing key monitor-defense earthquake
