Fan-shaped Fern (Neocheiropteris palmatopedata)
Current Condition: vulnerable species. It is mainly distributed in the subtropical mountain forests in southeast China. Due to over-logging and change of environment, the distribution area is now decreasing rapidly. Value and Significance of Protection: the Fan-shaped Fern is a rare fern peculiar to China. It has great scientific value to the botanical categorization of fern plants, and for that reason has already attracted special attention from botanists all over the world. As a fern plant, the roots of the fan-shaped fern can also be used in medicine. Geographical Distribution: the fan-shaped fern has been introduced into cultivation in some areas with an altitude of 1850 meters.
The Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Current Condition: rare species. Known as a "living fossil," the ginkgo is also named white fruit. During the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era, the ginkgo was once widely distributed in the northern hemisphere£¬but began to decline in the end of the cretaceous period. When the Ice Age of the Quaternary period set in, ginkgoes in Europe, North America and most part of Aisa died out; now, wild ginkgoes only exist in the western mountains of Zhejiang province in China. Sparsely distributed, the ginkgo is a dioecious plant; so if protection and natural regeneration are not carefully carried out, the relict may well be replaced. Value and Significance of Protection: the only survived species of the ginkgoaceae family, the ginkgo is a famous "living fossil." It is also a precious tree species for timber wood and dried fruits. Having retained many of its primitive traits, it has great scientific value to researches on the phylogeny of gymnosperms, ancient flora, palaeogeography, and ice age climate during the Quaternary period. With peculiar and beautiful leaf shape, it is also an excellent ornamental tree in gardening. The ginkgo tree has good resistance to flue dust and sulfur dioxide. Its seeds can be made into dried fruits. The leaves and seeds of the gingko can be used in medicine. Geographical Distribution: the ginkgo tree has been intruduced into cultivation at an altitude of 1740 to 1920meters.
Sichuanchinese larch (Sichuan hongshan): Larix mastersiana
Current Condition: endangered species. The Sichuan larch is a species peculiar to China, and can only be found in some areas of Sichuan. In the past, there were large-area pure forests of Sichuan larches; but because of long time of over over-logging and ever decreasing and deterioration of forests, the Sichuan larch is now only sparsely distributed in small plots. Value and Significance of Protection: It is a rare, precious and fast-growing timber wood tree species. The Sichuan larch has great significance to taxonomical researches on the larch genus. Fast-growing timber wood of good quality, it is an excellent tree species for forestation in the valley areas of low altitudes in west Sichuan. Geographical Distribution: The Sichuan Larch is mainly distributed in areas with an altitude of 1800 to 3200 meters in the form of light forests or mixed forests.
Picea brachytyla var. complanata
Current Condition: vulnerable species. A species peculiar to China£¬it is mainly distributed in the Qingling Mountain, the mountain areas of the Daba Mountain, and north Sichuan. Due to over-logging,the forest area and resource of this tree species has decreased drastically. At present, large pure forests of the Picea brachytyla var. complanata are mainly in the form of sparsely-located plots. And with the deterioration of forest environment, the Picea brachytyla var. complanata now bear very few seeds. Therefore, if protection measures are not taken, the species may well extinct. Value and Significance of Protection: It is a precious tree species for timber wood. The excellent timber wood of the Picea brachytyla var. complanata can be used in making musical instruments, architecture, furniture and other tools. It is also a good choice for tree regeneration in high mountains and forestation in uncultivated lands. Geographical Distribution: it is mainly distributed in the sunny slope or half-shadowy slope of mountains at an altitude of 2000 to 2800 meters, among the theropencedrymion or the coniferous forest.
The Veitch's Spruce: Picea neoveitchii
Current Condition: endangered species. The veitch's spruce grows in some of the mountain areas south to the Qingling Mountain. For a long time, its distribution areas has already decreased due to human destruction. Except the small-size pure forest of veitch spruce in Xinjiashan Moutnain of Fengyang County, all the other veitch's spruce trees are sparsely distributed. Therefore, this species awaits our protection. Value and Significance of Protection: it is a species indigenous to the Qingling Mountain. Because of severe destruction, the number of surviving spruce trees is very small. What's more, it is a peculiar plant with big and wide central plates; and therefore has great significant to forest diversity protection and researches on botanic flora, taxonomy of the picea. It has straight trunk that is excellent timber wood for house building and furniture. Geographical Distribution: It has been introduced into cultivation at an altitude of 1920 meters.
The Pallas's cat.The Asiatic black bear.The "pika-eating bear".Himalayan marten.The European Otter Taxaceae.The red wood: Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng.Dipteronia dyerana.Pterostyrax psilophylla.The Big-leafed willow: Salix magnifica Schneid