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Taxaceae.The red wood: Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng.Dipteronia dyerana.Pterostyrax psilophylla.The Big-leafed willow: Salix magnifica Schneid

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Value and Significance of Protection: a species peculiar to China, and a relict of the Tertiary period. With fine and tight timber structure, the Taxaceae has good resistance to corrosion; and therefore is a excellent choice in hydro-construction projects. The seeds of Taxaceae has over 60% of oil that can be used in soap-making, lubricating oil and medicine.
Geographical Distribution: It is distributed in the ever-green broadleaved forest and the mixed forest of ever green trees and deciduous trees.

The red wood: Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng

Current Condition: rare species. The red wood is a rare relic plant of the world. As early as the cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era£¬the red wood and its kinds appeared on the earth and were widely distributed in the northern hemisphere. After the Ice Age, this sort of plants nearly died out. Fossils of the red wood have been found in the strata from the cretaceous period to the Pliocene Epoch in Europe, North America and East Asia. In the 1940s, Chinese botanists found surviving a 400-year-old huge red wood in Modaoxi, a boundary place between Hubei and Sichuan. Later on, a relic red wood forest was found in the Redwood Dam in Lichuan county of Hubei province. More than 5000 red woods there have a diameter more than 20centimeters; and a good amount of trunks and roots were found in nearby valleys and fields. Thereafter, a number of over-200-year-old red woods have been found in Lengshui of Shizhu county in Sichuan and Luota, Tani Lake of Longshan county in Hunan.
Value and Significance of Protection: the redwood is known as a "living fossil." It has great significance to researches on palaeobotany, palaeoclimate, palaeogeography and geology, as well as the phylogeny of gymnosperm. Apart from this, because of its elegant shape, straight trunk and fast-growing quality, the red wood is excellent forestation and timber wood choice in the subtropical plains.
Geographical Distribution: It was mainly distributed at an altitude of 1720 to 1920 meters.

Dipteronia dyerana

Current Condition: rare species. Indigenous to China, it is sparsely distributed in the mountain areas of central and southeast China. Due to over-logging, the number of grown-up Dipteronia dyeranas is very small. In addition, because of its weak natural regeneration ability, saplings are also very rare. Therefore, this species urgently awaits protection.
Value and Significance of Protection: The Dipteronia dyerana is the only member of a botanical family. It has peculiar fruits and is only found in China. For these reasons, it is of great significance to the elucidation of the origin and evolution of some plant families and researches on botanical flora and geographical distribution.
Geographical Distribution: at an altitude of 1700 to 1920meters.

Pterostyrax psilophylla

Current Condition: vulnerable species. The Pterostyrax psilophylla is mainly distributed in the lower and middle mixed forest of ever-green and deciduous trees in the subtropical mountains of China. Due to over-logging, the forest environment has deteriorated severely. In addition, the blossoming of the Pterostyrax psilophylla has a inactive period. As a result, it has a weak natural regeneration ability. As a result, the distribution area shrank and its number decreased.
Value and Significance of Protection: sparsely growing in the lower and middle slopes of mountains, the Pterostyrax psilophylla is very susceptible to destruction. But it is a beautiful tree species that has grand shape, fragrant flowers and beautiful leaves; what's more, it grows fast. For these reasons, it is widely planted in gardening and forestation.
Geographical Distribution: at an altitude of 1800 to 2000meters.

The Big-leafed willow: Salix magnifica Schneid

Current Condition: vulnerable species. The big-leafed willow has a narrow distribution area: only sparsely distributed in west Sichuan. Having a small number, the species is apt to become a endangered species.
Value and Significance of Protection: a peculiar member of the willow family, the big-leafed willow has huge leaves that are similar to leaves of the magnoliaceae. This characteristic is quite worth further study. The new leaves are red in color; its inflorescence is long and has a yellow, yellow-red, or reddish color. The whole plant is very beautiful ornamental tree.
Geographical Distribution: mostly distributed near valleys and riverlets at an altitude of 1900 to 3000meters.

Fan-shaped Fern.The Ginkgo.Sichuanchinese larch (Sichuan hongshan): Larix mastersiana.Picea brachytyla var. complanata.The Veitch's Spruce: Picea neoveitchii
The single-leafed grass: Kingdonia uniflora.The Chinese dove tree: Davidia involucrata Baillon.The cork tree: Phellodendron amurense.Lingchunmu: Euptelea Pleiospermum Hook,f.et Thoms.WILD ROSE: Rosa rugosa Thunb

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