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The Pallas's cat.The Asiatic black bear.The "pika-eating bear".Himalayan marten.The European Otter

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The Pallas's cat (Felis manul)

In the Wolong Natural Reserve, the Pallas's cat is mainly distributed in the mountain plateau, grasslands and forests. Solitary in nature, Pallas's cats often live in rock caves or blbac holes. Being a nocturnal animal, the Pallas's cat is most active in the morning and evening. It has acute hearing and vision. A carnivore, the Pallas's cat mainly feeds on alpine marmots, conies, small-size rodents, wild fowls, and sometimes domestic fowls. Its mating season is mostly in February. In April or May, a pregnant female Pallas's cat often gives birth to two or three cubs in each pregnancy. In CHINA'S NATIONAL LIST FOR SPECIALLY PROTECTED WILD ANIMALS, it was listed in Appendices II as a species threatened with extinction.

The Asiatic black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus)

In the Wolong Natural Reserve, the black bear is mainly distributed in the broadleaved forest or the mixed forest. Solitary in nature, black bears sleep at night as well as in summer noons. It is very ccute in olfactory sensation and vision.  Its diet includes both vegetarian and animal foods, consisting of green grass, mushrooms, wild fruits and nuts, wild bees, small-size vertebrates. It also feeds on crops in Autumn. After seven to eight months' pregnancy, a female black bear often gives birth to two cubs in each pregnancy. In CHINA'S NATIONAL LIST FOR SPECIALLY PROTECTED WILD ANIMALS, it was listed in Appendices II as a species threatened with extinction.

The "pika-eating bear" (U. a. pruinosus)

In pika-eating bear in the Wolong Natural Reserve is mainly distributed in the broadleaved forest, the theropencedrymion, the coniferous forest, mountain shrubberies, and grasslands. It has acute olfactory sensation. Diurnal in nature, the pika-eating bear moves in a slow and awkward manner. Sometimes, they may walk straight. It is also good tree climber and swimmer. Its diet includes both vegetarian and animal foods- they have more animal foods than black bears, consisting of tender twigs, shoots, roots, green grass, seeds, conies, plateau rabbits, birds and insects, and sometimes domestic animals like goats. Its mating season is in June or July. After seven to eight months' pregnancy, a female bear often gives birth to two cubs in each pregnancy. An animal peculiar to China, it is a subspecies of Ursus arctos. In the In CHINA'S NATIONAL LIST FOR SPECIALLY PROTECTED WILD ANIMALS, it was listed in Appendices II as a species threatened with extinction.

Himalayan marten (Martes flavigula)

The Himalayan Marten in the Wolong Natural Reserve is mainly distributed in the river valleys of forested lower mountains, forests of all kinds, as well as coniferous forests with an altitude of 3000 meters. It is often well-concealed and only active in the morning and evening. It becomes alert at hearing any strange noise and then hunts after its game. A solitary carnivore animal, the Himalayan marten mainly hunts small mammals, birds, deer, boars, young giant pandas, as well as wild fruits and seeds. Its mating season is in autumn and a female marten often gives birth to four or five cubs in each pregnancy. In the In CHINA'S NATIONAL LIST FOR SPECIALLY PROTECTED WILD ANIMALS, it was listed in Appendices II as a species threatened with extinction.

The European Otter (Lutra lutra)

The European Otter lives mainly in the riverbanks, where it digs tunnels to make its home. Some of the tunnels lead to the water. A nocturnal animal, the otter is good swimmer and diver, because its nostrils and ears can be closed. The otter feeds mainly on fish; but its diet also includes crabs, frogs, and rodents. Its mating season is in spring and summer. After two months' pregnancy, a female otter often gives birth to one to five baby otters in each pregnancy. In the CHINA'S NATIONAL LIST FOR SPECIALLY PROTECTED WILD ANIMALS, it was listed in Appendices II as a species threatened with extinction.

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