人类不怎么喜欢赞同别人,但是,至少在一个问题上,绝大多数人的观点是相同的:哪一只手更好用。我们中大约有85%的人更愿意选择右手。英国利物浦大学的考古学家娜塔莉 乌米尼(Natalie Uomini)说:“从来没有发现任何人类群体中使用左手者占多数”。图1.我就要往右边看
2014年来自中国科学院的方光战博士以仙琴蛙(Babina daunchina)为对象,在其端脑和中脑左右两侧分别埋植电极,记录声音刺激下的脑电(EEG),分析其参数在不同刺激间、不同脑区间及不同时窗间的差异,以此探讨蛙类存在右耳优势的可能性及其潜在机制。结果显示对每种刺激而言,EEG参数随时间的动态变化仅出现在左侧中脑。由于蛙类中脑主要接受对侧听神经投射,所以蛙类存在右耳优势,而且这一优势受注意调节的影响。另外研究发现青蛙的鸣叫发声系统也主要是在左侧中脑。图2.我是“左撇子”吗?
ANDREW ROBINS, GIUSEPPE LIPPOLIS, ANGELO BISAZZA, GIORGIO VALLORTIGARA & LESLEY J. ROGERS. Lateralized agonistic responses and hindlimb use in toads. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 1998, 56, 875-881.
Giuseppe Lippolis, Angelo Bisazza, Lesley J. Rogers, Giorgio Vallortigara. Lateralisation of predator avoidance responses in three species of toads. LATERALITY, 2002, 7 (2), 163-183.
Andrew Robins and Lesley J. Rogers. Limb preference and skeletal asymmetry in the cane toad, Bufo marinus (Anura: Bufonidae). LATERALITY, 2002, 7 (3), 261–275.
Yegor B. Malashichev,Natalja G. Nikitina. Preferential limb use in relation to epicoracoid overlap in the shoulder girdle of toads. LATERALITY, 2002, 7 (1), 1-18.
Guangzhan Fang, FeiXue, PingYang, JianguoCui, StevenE.Brauth, YezhongTang. Right ear advantage for vocal communication in frogs results from both structural asymmetry and attention modulation. Behavioural Brain Research 266 (2014) 77-84.
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