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Lugu Lake-The living specimen of the matriarchal society

Lugu LakeIt is hard for you to find some small lakes in the southwestern Henduan Mountains in a map with rather little scale.

Going north of Yunnan's Lijiang and boundless mountains, you will find a smooth lake in Yi Autonomous County on the border. It is Lugu Lake, renowned as fossil of women-dominating society.

Lugu Lake was called Lukuhaizi or Zuosuohai, Lianghai. It lies on the border of Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces.Lugu Lake, 2690.75 metres above sea level, covers an area of 48.45 square kilometers with the outline of horse hoof. It is a karst graben lake. Many isles gather in the center of the lake. And mountains embrace the lake. The crystal water and the green mountains form a wonderland here.

Lugu does not only own the beautiful scene but also the specific custom.
Mosuo people, living beside the lake still have kept beautiful costume, songs and special character.

The Mosuo people living here still keep their matriarchal society system featured as Axia marriage.

Axia is the partner. It is the local custom that boys and girls may contact with each other when they are over 16 years old. They are free to choose their own lovers. The man and woman who love each other are called Axia. They never get married and live in their own families. At night the man pays a visit to the woman and spends the night together and goes home the next morning.

The babies are raised by their mothers and know nothing about their father. The "Axia visiting marriage'' system is called the fossil matriarchal society.

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