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China Wolong Giant Panda's Museum

Historical and Modern
Distribution of Giant Pandas
Interesting Life of Giant Pandas
Evolution of the Giant Panda
and Its Current Status
Man's Knowledge about
Giant Pandas
Breeding of Giant Pandas
Save Our Lovely Giant Pandas
Policies and Legislations on
the Protection of Giant Panda
Wolong Nature Reserve
An Overview of Scientific
Research on Giant Pandas
The Giant Panda Cinema
The Giant Panda Contest
The Giant Panda Club
Witness how the Scientists are doing Kin Discrimination in Giant Pandas!

²©Îï¹Ý¹Ý»Õ"China Wolong Giant Panda Museum" exhibits the history, present and future of the giant panda. It gives detailed information about: the living environment, historical evolution, living habits and characteristics, and neighbors of the giant panda; the breeding, reproduction, protection research and natural reserves of the giant panda; research achievements in cooperation with international organizations and institutions who are concerned with the giant panda. All these uncover the myth of the giant panda.

The construction work of the museum started on October 28, 1999; on November 15, 2001, it was finished and put into use. It has a total floorage of 4074 square meters. On May 22, 2002, it began to be opened to the public.

China (Wolong) Giant Panda's MuseumThe exhibition area of the museum is composed of the introduction hall, the environment hall, the evolution hall, the central hall, the living hall, the hall of protection and development. Totaling an area of over 2000 square meters, the museum exhibits 221 species of animal (420 specimens), 85 species of plants (86 specimens), and more than 200 items related to the giant panda - including 15 specimens and 85 skeleton frames of giant panda. Systematically and comprehensively, it introduces to people the living environment, habits, and evolutionary history of the giant panda, as well as people's love and concern about the giant panda. Now, the museum is the only one build exclusively for one single species.
Tel & Fax: 0837-6246912   Contact: Yang Jian (The Director of the Museum)

Fossil of the Primal Panda

An Exhibition Hall of the Museum
Living Environment of the Giant Panda

Teaching the Local People How to Conserve the Environment

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