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Bretschneidera sinensis.Cercidiphyllum japonicum.The eucommia: Cortex Eucommiae.Q.tunidinoda Hsueh et Yi.The chestnut tree: Juglans regia

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Bretschneidera sinensis

Current Condition: rare species. A species peculiar to China, its Chinese name is Bo'Le tree or Zhong'e wood. Sparsely distributed in the lower and middle mountains in the subtropical zone, the Bretschneidera sinensis is rarely seen. For a long time, due to human destruction and hard fruition and regeneration, it is also on the edge of extinction.
Value and Significance of Protection: the only member of the bretschneidera family, it is an ancient relict that has great significance to researches on the phylogeny of angiosperm and palaeogeoraphy. Its moderately-hard timber wood does not crack and has beautiful patterns, making it an excellent choice for furniture and craftsmanship.
Geographical Distribution: It is often distributed in the valleys and slopes with brooks at an ltitude500 to 2000meters.

Cercidiphyllum japonicum

Current Condition:  rare species. The relict species is mainly distributed in the warm temperate zone and subtropical zone of China. Due to poor fruition and vulnerable sapling, the cercidiphyllum japonicum has difficult natural regeneration. The sapling forest of the species is very rare. In addition, over-logging and poor plantation has made the distribution area of the cercidiphyllum japonicum shrink sharply: pure forest of cercidiphyllum japonicums are rarely seen now.
Value and Significance of Protection: a relict of the tertiary period, it is discontinuously distributed in Japan and China. The species has great scientific value to elucidate the flora origin of the tertiary period and relations of the floras in China and Japan. Apart from this, the tall, grand shape and peculiar leaf-shape of the tree also make it a good choice for forestation and gardening.
Geographical Distribution: mainly distributed in the broadleaved forest of sunny slopes or valleys at an altitude of 40 to 2700meters.

The eucommia: Cortex Eucommiae

Current Condition: rare species. The eucommia is a species indigenous to China. It has high economic values. Due to over-logging, improper barking and poor natural regeneration ability, wild cortex eucommias are rarely seen. If protection of natural wildlife resources and forestation measures are not enforced, barking methods not improved, the eucommia may well become endangered.
Value and Significance of Protection: an autogenus species indigenous to China, the eucommia is also the only member of the eucommia family. It has great value to researches on the phylogenetic evolution of the angiosperm. The bark of the eucommia is also a famous Chinese medicine.
Geographical Distribution: distributed at an altitude of 1650 to 2000 meters.

Q.tunidinoda Hsueh et Yi

Current Condition: rare species indigenous to southeast China. Its big bamboo rings has great artistic value in industry. In recent years, they are logged in Sichuan to make walking sticks that sells well all through the country. In Yunnnan province, people take the bamboos shoots of the Q.tunidinoda Hsueh et Yi. In local market fare time, people collect bamboo shoots in large scale and log the upper trees for firewoods; as a result, the Q.tunidinoda Hsueh et Yi has undergone great destruction and now faces the danger of extinction.
Value and Significance of Protection: This precious bamboo species is peculiar to China. Its big, peculiarly-shaped bamboo rings has great artistic and ornamental value in industry.
Geographical Distribution: at an altitude of 1920 meters.

The chestnut tree: Juglans regia.

Current Condition: vulnerable species. The Chestnut is also named the chestnut tree. It is a rare relict of the deciduous broadleaved forest in the tertiary period, and a oil & dried nut bearing ligneous plant. Although widely planted, the distribution area of wild chestnut trees is quite limited, i.e. only in some valleys of Yili in Xinjiang. Due to over pasturing and logging, only 8 wild chestnut trees remains in Daxigou of Huocheng and a little more than one thousand in Wild Chestnut Valley of Gongliu county now.
Value and Significance of Protection: as a famous economic tree species, the chestnut tree is a precious epibiotic plant of the tertiary period. And for that reason, it is of great scientific significance to researches on palaeobotanical flora changes and palaeogeography as well as climate changes during the tertiary period and the quaternary period.
Geographical Distribution: at altitude of 1500 to 2000 meters

Tetracentron: Tetracentron sinense.The tall gastrodia: Gastrodia elata.The Henry emmenopherys: Emmenopterys henryi.The round-leafed magnolia: Magnolia sinensis.Dysosmatis
The astragalus.The longevity grass: Trillium tschonoskii.The officinal magnolia: Magnolia officinalis.The Chinese goldthread: Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora

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